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Matthew Yerby, originally from Louisiana, is a self-taught artist now based in Los Angeles, CA. Initially pursuing a BA in Psychology on a baseball scholarship, he transitioned to full-time painting in New Orleans after college.


Yerby's art has gained recognition globally, finding homes in private collections worldwide. In 2016, he expanded his artistic repertoire by venturing into mural painting, creating large-scale pieces for residential and commercial spaces. Specializing in acrylic paintings and latex murals, Yerby embraces diverse styles and subject matters, continuously exploring new techniques.


He has garnered a significant following on social media, where he shares his work and supports emerging artists.

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“I refuse to put my work into a box. The possibilities are endless in the world of art and creativity, and I intend to stretch those boundaries as far as I can, for as long as I can. Painting one style isn’t enough for me. Specializing in EVERY technique is my vibe, and whatever my client desires, that’s what I will deliver.”

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